Sunday, October 4, 2009

On September 26 Ed and Ernie started to get the ground ready to bury the culvert.

As you can tell the dogs love going with us to the land so Buddy decided to get his picture taken.

Wow - look at my strong men!!

No problem they say.

Finally it is starting to be buried.

The dirt is too wet to do anything with it so will have to finish another day.

On October 3 we decided to have a little get together out at our land and burn some twigs. We invited our neighbors and their girls out for a weinie roast. Boy - do we have alot to learn about having a weinie roast at our place. I am sure that by the time we have been out there for awhile we will know more and more what to have on hand for a weinie roast. This is Hailey on the back of the 4 wheeler getting ready to take a ride with me.

This is her sister Emily.

It was nice having them out there to help us pick up sticks and small trees that Ed had cut down.

They were both such a big help!

They even got their mother involved in helping them with the bigger limbs.

They were all great helpers!

This is Andrew. He was helping the girls with the fire and telling them the do's and don'ts in fire safety.

This is Deb and Emily enjoying the fire.

We had a nice fire and alot of good friends that enjoyed our evening at our land.

Stay tuned for the next update. Our big thing now will be to get rock on the 600 foot lane so we can get in and out easily. It is really muddy right now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

On September 5, 2009 Ed and I signed for our land in Athens. We have started working out there and thought you might like to follow along with our progress.

On September 13 we started clearing our land for our driveway which will be 40 feet wide by 600 feet long.

Our best man at our wedding came out with his bobcat and plowed all the way through.

As you can tell the dogs already love the place.

Buddy got tired so he jumped in the trunk of my car.

Then Fatty Boy wanted to get in so he got out.

Then they both got in the back seat and were ready to go home.

This is the entrance to our land.

September 19 we were out there again to work.
I did do some work. I helped gather up branches, sticks etc...

and then burned the pile.

Emily stopped by to visit with us and while she was visiting ...........

Ed made this great sign. He is so unpredictable!

Well you are all caught up on our progress. Stay tuned for more later. Love Ed and Cindy